15框直交轴电机H 产品名称:15框直交轴电机H 型号:ZGZ-H-15,直交轴15轴,15框直交轴, 功率:25-40W 电压:220V,380V 转速:1500转/分 材质:金属铝 使用范围:机械设备,动力传递,流水作业等 注意:此价格不含运费、不含顺丰快递,详情请联系客服! 售后服务: 1、非人为情况下雨田(YUTIAN)电机承诺7天包退,15天包换,亲"您"可以放心选购。 2、雨田(YUTIAN)电机向您承诺所有产品纯"铜线"**属齿轮制作,免费保修12个月(除定制产品). 3、售后部24小时热线服务。 雨田供应 W直交轴减速电机 温馨提示: 产品图片属性价格仅供参考,详情请来电或旺旺咨询!!! 特点The chara cteristics: 低噪音Low noise 与伞齿轮,蜗轮相比接触面积更大,传输能力更强,操作静音没有振动, Compared with conical gear and worm gear, it has the larger contact area and thestronger transmitting capacity. It has no vibration in mute operation. 高效率High efficiency 与伞齿轮,蜗轮相比减速比更高同时更高效低温升。 Compared with conical gear and worm gear, it has the higher and the more effectivereduction ratio with low temperature rise. 轻巧紧凑,节约空间 It is handy and compact in volume. It saves the space as well. 一体化设计,坚固紧凑,较大限度减轻电机重量,节省安装空间。 The firm, compact and integral design reduces the motor weight to the greatest extentand saves the installation space too. *维护Maintenance-free 特殊油脂经久耐用,*更换保证电机可以任何角度或倾斜安装。 It requires no renewal of special and durable grease. It ensures that the motor can beinstalled inclined or at any angle. 坚固耐用 Firm and durable SEND齿轮由鉬钢制造高强化外壳可靠耐用, SEND gear is made of molybdenum steel. The highly reinforced housing is durable andreliable. 国际标准 International standard 可适应多种工作状态提供各种制动电机特定电压电机,国际标准其他规格的电机。 The products can adapt to the multiple operating conditions. We also offer various brakemotors, the motors with specified voltage, international standard motors and other speci-fications of the motors. 购买方式、产地及售后 公司宗旨:价格是我们的优势、质量是我们生存的根本、优质服务是我们真诚的承诺。 售后承诺:本公司的产品自销售之日起,非人为损坏的情况下,所有产品质保12个月。 针对不同的工作环境,对产品的要求也不一样,请客户在下单前联系我们的工作人员核对产品型号及规格。 主要经营地点: 东莞市长安镇沙头大井街6号